Donate to the Friends of the MST

The Friends of the MST and the MST need your help today. Your tax-deductible donation to the Friends of the MST helps us continue to offer direct support from the US to the Landless Workers Movement in Brazil - to maintain our website, fund the travel of an MST activist to the US, support the MST National School and, in general, support peasant agriculture.


How Much Would You Like to Donate Today?

  • $ 35     Be an FMST Supporter
  • $ 50     Help the Friends of the MST maintain our website
  • $ 100   Support an MST activist's speaking tour in the US
  • $ 250  Support Peasant Agriculture
  • $ 500   Support the MST national school

To make a one-time donation via the internet using a credit or debit card click here:


Recurring donations are the best way to give steady support. To make a recurring donation, click here:

Select a donation premium:

For donations of $50 of more, receive an MST hat, T-shirt or DVD.

For a donation of $100, receive an MST Congress "kit," the same as delegates receive or a beautiful poster from the MST. 

For a donation of $500 or more, select print or oil painting by Aliene de Souza Howell.

After making your donation, email and let us know what premium you would like to receive.

If you have a special purpose for your donation, please let us know.

Email and tell us the following:

I want my donation to be dedicated to: _______________________________________

Please send an acknowledgement to the individual or organization to whom I am dedicating my donation.

If you would rather mail a check, please print out this form and send it with your payment to: Friends of the MST, PO Box 478487, Chicago, IL 60647.


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