[09/15/06] VICTORY: MST’s National Coordinator has decree of imprisonment REVOKED **THANKS TO ALL WHO SENT LETTERS**

[09/15/06] Friends of the MST,

We are pleased to report that Minister Nilson Naves, of the Supreme Justice Tribunal, has just revoked the decree of preventative imprisonment filed against our comrade, Jaime Amorim, member of the MST’s National Coordinating Body for the state of Pernambuco.

This is an enormous victory against the oligarchs of Pernambuco, and it is the result of the solidarity demonstrated by all who joined us in the fight to defend Jaime Amorim!

We send thanks to all who prepared and sent letters to Minister Naves, and we share a warm embrace with you all.

- Human Rights Sector of the Landless Workers’ Movement (MST)
[09/13/06] URGENT ACTION: Movements mobilize in Pernambuco; MST’s National Coordinator has imprisonment decreed once again **DRAFT LETTER INCLUDED**

Dear Friends of the MST,

Once again, the MST in Brazil’s state of Pernambuco faces grave threats and persecution from both the landowning elite and their allies in the courts. Social movements and human rights organizations met Wednesday (09/13) to plan for mobilizations across the state of Pernambuco. They intend to protest the intensified criminalization of the MST by state authorities, such as the ongoing persecution of the MST’s Jaime Amorim.

To ensure Mr. Amorim remains free to advance the struggle of Brazil's landless workers, the MST has asked that you please read the following and ACT NOW.

Your support and solidarity is greatly appreciated.

In Solidarity,
Friends of the MST


Social movements and human rights organizations met Wednesday (09/13) to plan for mobilizations across the state of Pernambuco. They intend to protest the intensified criminalization of the MST by state authorities, such as the ongoing persecution of the MST’s Jaime Amorim. Judicial authorities in Pernambuco have rejected the decision made by Brazil’s Supreme Justice Tribunal [SEE http://www.mstbrazil.org/?q=amorimhabeas] and have re-instated the decree of preventative imprisonment for the MST’s National Coordinator, Jaime Amorim.

On the 6th of September, the 3rd District Criminal Court of Justice of Pernambuco denied, in a two to one vote, the habeas corpus filed by MST on behalf of Jaime Amorim.

According to human rights groups working in the area, there are clear indications that the judicial authorities in Pernambuco are persecuting MST activists for political purposes. Human rights groups have filed official complaints against the unethical conduct of said authorities. Present to discuss plans of action were the MST, the National Students Union (UNE), the United Workers’ Federation (CUT), the United Popular Movements (CMP), the United Social Movements (CMS) and the Pastoral Land Commission (CPT).

The New Filing –

In response to the Sep. 6th decision, the MST filed a new habeas corpus on September 12th, this time with the Superior Justice Tribunal. They are requesting the order of preventative imprisonment be revoked.

The MST has asked that everyone send the following letter [SEE BELOW] to Minister Nilson Naves, demanding Amorim’s imprisonment be revoked once again. Please take a moment to personalize and FAX this letter to the number below. For those of you unable to fax, an email address has been made available.

In Solidarity,
Friends of the MST


TO: Minister Nilson Naves
Fax: (if dialing from the U.S.) 011-55-61-3319-6268
Email: min.nilson.naves@stj.gov.br




Excelentíssimo Senhor
Dr. Nilson Naves
Ministro da Sexta Turma do Superior Tribunal de Justiça
Brasília - DF

Ref.: Habeas Corpus n.º 66054/PE – Paciente Jaime de Amorim

Senhor Ministro,

Eu, [NAME/ORGANIZATION], preocupada com os fatos ocorridos nos últimos dias no Estado de Pernambuco, vem, respeitosamente à presença de V. Exa., manifestar apoio ao pedido de habeas corpus impetrado em favor do defensor de direitos humanos e coordenador nacional do MST, Jaime de Amorim.

No último dia 06 de setembro, a 3ª Câmara Criminal do Tribunal de Justiça de Pernambuco denegou pedido de habeas corpus n.º 142.289-3, em favor de Jaime de Amorim. O pedido tinha por objetivo revogar, definitivamente, a prisão preventiva decretada, em 04 de julho de 2006, pelo Juiz da 5ª Vara Criminal da Comarca de Recife/PE, Dr. Joaquim Pereira Lafayette Neto.

A prisão, decretada pelo Dr. Joaquim, teve como principais argumentos a necessidade de garantir a aplicação da lei e a ordem pública, sob as falsas alegações de que Jaime não possuía endereço fixo e que sua liberdade colocaria “em risco a paz e a segurança dos cidadãos de bem