News and Updates: Agritoxins

The clear waters of the Paraopeba River in São Joaquim de Bicas (MG), metropolitan area of Belo Horizonte (MG), were filled with mud and changed their color. What once was crystalline now has texture and coloring similar to an oil paint...

Movements celebrated measure and will now fight for agroecological farming to replace current fruit production system

The governor of Ceará, Camilo Santana, signed a bill into law this week banning...

Designed by civil society organizations, bill challenges rural lobby and promotes agroecology systems

Brazil is the world’s top agrochemical consuming country, according to a 2015 dossier...

Agricultural fairs, a fertile space for the landless

by Giovanna Costanti — published 05/19/2018


The continuity of the coup government of Michel Temer and of his parliamentarians in the Congress is one of the negatives points of this year.

The question that prevails is: What to expect of 2018?


Special reports deal with the serious impacts generated by the use of agrochemicals in the production of food for the health of the consuming population, rural workers and the environment.

For each...

agrotoxinDespite the apparent health risks, consumers know very little about what they are consuming and the industry insists that there is a "safe level" for...

The conference “Healthy Food: A Right for Everyone”, which took place this Saturday May 6, 2017, became a political act in defense of agroecology and the agrarian reform. According to the Landless Rural Workers’ Movement (MST...

The excessive use of agrotoxins in our food causes illnesses such as Alzheimer’s, cancer, and cardiovascular disease, among others.

Confirming an upward trend in rates of autism cases, a senior research scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has sounded the alarm on the issue. According to her, an unsettling 50% of...

This Tuesday, Abrasco published its new report on the reality of agro-toxins in Brazil. In this Agro-toxins being spreadarticle, Alan Tygel talks about the issue.

By Alan Tygel, published in

In early 2011,...
