Families resist in the countryside by producing healthy food

By Bahia Communication Collective (Coletivo de Comunicação da Bahia)

 According to the United Nations (UN) State Food and Agriculture Report (Estado da Alimentação e da Agricultura), family farming can help with the eradication of world hunger and achieve sustainable food security.

With the current government that encourages hatred towards those who fight and believe in a just and equal land reform, peasants have been experiencing more and more conflicts.

Kelli Mafort: "Our steps are the size of our dreams"

During the campaign of struggle, women from the countryside and the city unite against the violence and setbacks of the Bolsonaro government.

by Maura Silva

The strength of women is kicking off the year of major mobilizations in the country. Under the motto: "For the sake of women’s lives, we are all Marielle!" Thousands of rural and urban women will unite in the fight against violence, against Bolsonaro and the setbacks imposed by his government.

Disaster Capitalism in Brazil: Mining Greed Produces a Horrific Death Toll

by Vijay Prashad

On January 25, 2019, a dam burst in the town of Brumadinho, north of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The dam was built by the iron-ore company Vale to store residue after the iron ore had been extracted. Once the dam began to crumble, it did not take long for its 13 million cubic meters of iron waste to sweep down onto the workers and into their town.

MST Encampment along the Paraopeba River feels the effect of the dam collapse

The clear waters of the Paraopeba River in São Joaquim de Bicas (MG), metropolitan area of Belo Horizonte (MG), were filled with mud and changed their color. What once was crystalline now has texture and coloring similar to an oil paint: dense, viscous, brownish. The desolate scenery is aggravated by the odor of decaying fish.

Valdir Released From Prison

José Valdir Misnerovicz (Valdir) was recently released from prison after being held for months on terrorism charges for leading occupations of land by the MST. Below is his letter of thanks to all of his supporters:


“Freedom, this word that feeds the human dream,   that no one can explain and no one can understand”

Cecilia Meirelles
