Women Occupy INCRA in São Paulo [3-4-11]

Friday, March 4, 2011

occupation of incraBy Maria Aparecida

In continuation of the National Day of Struggle of Women, in São Paulo, about 600 women that paralyzed the highway Cônego Domênico Rangoni, have occupied on the afternoon of Thursday (March 3), the headquarters of the National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform (INCRA) in São Paulo.

The mobilization aims to require the Ministry of Agrarian Development to the change management policy of the agency responsible for agrarian reform in São Paulo, INCRA-SP.

In recent years, land reform in the state of Sao Paulo, as well as in nearly all Brazilian states, is facing great difficulties and limits in relation to the settlement of families camped [awaiting land rights]. Some of these families have been camped for over 8 years.

In relation to the implementation and development of settlements the situation is also very disrespectful. Part of the settlements have extremely precarious its infrastructure, with impassable roads, delays or not even building houses in these areas, no access to potable water, among other things.

On the development of production, they lack technical assistance consistent with the need and the reality of families. Moreover, there is great difficulty in accessing credit for the deployment of the settlement by the families.

Finally, there are no public policies that support, develop or strengthen social enterprises of the workers and employees, such as associations, cooperatives and agribusinesses.

By this action, that the women, once again, impose their presence in this space, not to negotiate but to require changing the current management policy of the body.