Death toll due to floods rises to 149 in Rio Grande do Sul; President Lula will visit the state again this Wednesday (May 15)
The number of people in shelters has also increased, reaching to 79,494; the number of displaced people has fallen
The number of people in shelters has also increased, reaching to 79,494; the number of displaced people has fallen
Check out the full document from the Landless Workers Movement on the postponement of the VII National Congress
Check out the MST's main solidarity actions in the state, such as solidarity kitchens, rescue of the homeless, donations of materials and medical assistance
Check out an interview with Lucineia Freitas, from the National Directorate of the MST Gender Sector, about the challenges and flags of the National Day of Landless Women
Forty years after women and men, rural workers, had the boldness and courage to challenge the large estates and create the Landless Rural Workers Movement, we, members of the MST National Coordination, gathered at our Florestan Fernandes National School, in Guararema (SP).
For the MST leader, "we need to create conditions for synergy between the organized sectors of society"
Brasil de Fato took to the streets to find out why people support the largest popular movement in Latin America
Summoning João Pedro Stedile to the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry (CPI) is yet another step in the criminalization of the MST
José Geraldo de Sousa Junior is a professor at the Faculty of Law and former dean of the University of Brasília (UnB)
Article reveals: 'Graziano omitted data that demonstrate that settlements are important sources of job and income generation'