Sample Letter to Brazil's Supreme Federal Court

Sample letter

Honorable Ministers of the Supreme Federal Tribunal:

I (we) write in protest of the denial of the Habeas Corpus petition of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. The imprisonment of Lula, in violation of the Brazilian Constitution, only serves to undermine democracy by denying the people of Brazil the right to choose who they want as president.

The unfounded accusations against Lula about his alleged ownership of a property given to him by a construction company as a governmental favor that is the basis of the corruption charge against him reveals the political nature of the charges against him. Further, the fact that other politicians with more serious corruption charges have not been prosecuted and remain free only highlights that Lula’s prosecution is to prevent him for running for election for the presidency.

The actions of the Brazilian judiciary in conjunction with the national media and political right demonstrates to the world that Brazil does not operate under the rule of law, but the rule of expediency. To use the law to thwart the aspirations of the Brazilian people is, at best, a cynical exercise. To those outside Brazil, it looks like a continuation of the unwarranted impeachment of Dilma Rousseff in an effort to stop the hopes of an improved life for millions of Brazilians.

I (we) demand:

1.         The immediate release of Lula, at a minimum, until the appeals process has been completed in accordance with the Brazilian constitution.

2.         An impartial review of Lula’s case by judiciary not connected to the Temer government.

                          3.         That Lula be allowed to run for the presidency in this year’s election.

You should know, that Brazil in on an international stage and the world will be watching to see if Brazil will remain a democratic country under the rule of law.

Very truly yours,


NOTE: Sample letter in Microsoft Word included.