Stedile: Structural Reform on the agenda for the 11th July mobilizations

We have not had such vigorous street mobilizations since the campaign for “Rights Now” in the '80s.  The protests which exploded withDilma. What Happened to Agrarian Reform? the youth indignation were just the tip of the iceberg of the profound social and economic problems that persist in our society.  On one hand, the big cities have become a living hell, where workers pay high costs for low quality public transport.  Besides that, they spend two or three hours a day traveling, a pure waste of time.

Those who managed to buy an automobile, financed by international finance capital, are realizing that they paid dearly for the ability not to be able to move.  The auto assembly companies and the associated banks have never before sent so much money abroad.

For another thing, the political life of the country is a disgrace.  The congressmen only represent their campaign financiers.  The judiciary is an oligarchic power, the last of the state powers not yet republican.

Every day there is news about their corruption, which goes unpunished.  Even the President of the Federal Supreme Court (STF), Joaquim Barbosa, used public money to go to a national soccer team match .... the Globo network did not denounce the fact and, coincidentally, has just hired the son of the illustrious judge.  Some coincidence!

Cícero Guedes, coordinator of the occupation of the Cambahyba Mill, is assassinated in Rio

Rural worker and MST activist Cícero Guedes was assassinated by gunmen on Friday, January 25 near the Cambahyba Mill, in the township of  cicero guedesCampos dos Goytacazes (RJ).

Cícero was shot in the head when he left the settlement on his bicycle. Born in Alagoas, he was a cane cutter and coordinated the MST occupation of the mill, which is a complex of seven farms totaling 3500 hectares.
