News and Updates: Brazilian Government

The continuity of the coup government of Michel Temer and of his parliamentarians in the Congress is one of the negatives points of this year.

The question that prevails is: What to expect of 2018?


Among the central demands of the Cry of the Excluded were the defense of social security, the annulment of the Labor Reform and the fight against the privatizations of Eletrobras and Petrobras.


Thousands of people took to the streets this September 7th under the motto: "For rights and democracy, the struggle is every day"

On this holiday of September 7, popular movements and sectors of the...

The Draft Budget Law of 2018 will still be analyzed by the Chamber of Deputies, this Wednesday, September 6, 2017.

The 2018 Annual Budgetary Law Project (PLOA), sent by Michel Temer to...

Cry of the Excluded in the Federal District defends Out with Temer, democracy and national sovereignty. Mobilization will begin at 8:30 am, in front of the National Museum.

The Independence Day will be...

The former President spoke exclusively to Brasil de Fato and said that we need to give hope to the people that a different Brazil is possible

Former President Lula da Silva held an exclusive...

The wave of violence against landless and traditional communities was intensified under the government of Michel Temer (PMDB)


Shortly after the beginning of the 7th International Conference of La Vía Campesina in Basque Country, we interviewed Marina Dos Santos, who is a member of the organization that founded this international network of...

The Brazilian government prepares to lift mining restrictions on more than 400 national and state parks.

Brazilian social movements criticized plans to expand mining activities...

Actions will be sustained in the main capitals of Brazil on August 2, date in which the Chamber of  Deputies will be voting on the accusations of corruption (see article below) against the putschist president Michel...
