News and Updates: MST Occupations and Demonstrations

On December 7 and 8, nearly 300 leaders of 100 popular organizations of Brazil gathered to update the political platform of the Popular Brazil Front. The meeting, which was held in Belo Horizonte,...

The attacks began on Monday and three pickup trucks help in the criminal action.

By Carlinhos Luz
Da Página do MST

This week, the encampment Hugo Chaves suffered another violent attack of gunmen and from the...

To denounce the criminalization of popular movements, around a thousand people gathered this Saturday, November 5, 2016 at the National School Florestan Fernandes (ENFF), in Guararema (SP), in solidarity with the Movement...

The day mobilized 30,000 people in 14 states plus the Federal District, with land occupations, public buildings and marches held by a broad unity of the movements of the countryside

Day mobilized 30,000 people...

This week, popular movements, unions, and religious organizations who work in rural areas carried out the “Days of Unified Struggle of Rural Workers.” The days of struggle involved building occupations and blockade of...

Over a hundred thousand people attended the protest against the Temer government on Sunday, September 4 on Paulista Avenue. The demonstration, organized as a united action by the Brazil Popular Front and People Without Fear,...

On the same day as the opening ceremony of the Olympics, various organizations of the Brazilian left held a protest in Rio de Janeiro. The demonstration was called for by three fronts: Brazil Popular Front, People...

The immediate settlement of 90,000rncamped families is on the agenda of the National Day of Struggle

Cutting the WireCutting the Wire - Sebastião Salgado

With occupations of large estates in all...

More than 700,000 people attended the National Day in Defense of Democracy on Thursday (March 31) in several Brazilian cities. The acts were organized by Brazil Popular Front and the People Without Fear, in order to defend democracy against the coup and to fight for a different economic policy.


Last Thursday April 7, in the afternoon, families from the Rural Landless Worker’s Joaquin PinheirpMovement that were organized in the camp Don Tomás Baudino in the Quedas do Iguaçu municipality, central region of the state...
