Eldorado dos Carajas
On April 17, 1996 . . .
“They came from both sides and we were caught in the middle. We weren’t in the position to anything against a large group of policemen armed with rifles and machine-guns!
.‿ Avelino Germiniano, 51, survivor of the Eldorado dos Carajás Massacre.
“When the buses from Marabá arrived with the police, they got off and shot a round of fire into the air. We thought that they only wanted to intimidate us. We started shouting words of order. We had a deaf-mute companheiro who couldn’t understand anything and he went in the direction of the police, the late Amâncio. He was the first to go down,
.‿ Miguel Pontes da Silva, 42, survivor of the Eldorado dos Carajás Massacre.
“I received a blow in the neck and I felt blood running down my back. At the time, I didn’t know if I had been hit or if I had been shot. When I made it back to the tent, my children were anguished. I put them in my arms and still had room to carry two other children who belonged to someone else. When I remember what happened that day, it feels as though I am reliving it,
.‿ Dalgisa Dias de Sousa, 50, survivor of the Eldorado dos Carajás Massacre
Website links on the massacre of Eldorado dos Carajás:
10 years of Impunity: The Eldorado das Carajas Massacre
11 After Massacre - Nobody Has Been Punished
Decision: STJ Upholds Conviction of Military Police