Judgment of the International Tribunal for Democracy in Brazil


On July 19 and 20, 2016, at the Teatro Oi Casagrande, Avenida Afrânio de Melo Franco, 290, Rio de Janeiro, was established the International Tribunal for Democracy in Brazil, with the specific aim to discuss and judge the impeachment of President of the Republic, Dilma Vana Rousseff, which procedure, approved by the House of Deputies, it is in final stage of trial in the Senate.

Two months of neoliberal coup: against the people and the democracy

By João Pedro Stédile

Brazil is experiencing a severe economic, political, social, and environmental crisis. We lived similar historical crises during the decade of 30, 60 and 80. All of them demanded great debates in society, huge political participation and disputes in the class struggle. Its outcome was always delayed and was only possible around a new project that could unite social base to support it. Or the ruling classes appealed to the military.

‘Soft Coup’ in Brazil

By: Emir Sader / Source: Pagina12.com.ar / The Dawn News / March 15, 2016.

The last coup attempt in Latin America didn’t work out. It was against Hugo Chávez, in 2002. He was kidnapped by military commanders, taken to an island, isolated, while the then President of the Businessmen Association assumed the Presidency, flanked by Venezuela’s media owners, in a traditional party of the coupist Latin American oligarchies.
