Various organizations express solidarity with Stedile after he suffered insults in Fortaleza

Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Info Source: 
Da Página do MST

"This aggression can only be understood as part of a conservative offensive of the right in society that seeks to criminalize and intimidate all those fighting for a just and sovereign Brazil."

Various working class groups wrote a note in solidarity with João Pedro Stedile and the MST, after the member of the national coordination of the MST was insulted by a group of people in Fortaleza airport late on Tuesday (9/22/15).


A combination of trade union movements, popular, social pastoral, progressive parliamentarians and intellectuals committed to the struggle of the Brazilian people, hereby notes their solidarity to companheiro Joao Pedro Stedile, historical militant of social struggles in Brazil and Latin America.

On the night of September 22nd, a paid group with approximately 30 reactionaries shouting cries of hatred and many curses attacked and assaulted comrade Stedile, who had just arrived at the Pinto Martins Airport in Fortaleza - Ceará, invited by various organizations to participate in a Trade Union Congress and an activity on Political Reform and the fight against corruption.

The action led by real estate entrepreneur Paulo Angelim, Party, an activist in the Brazilian Social Democracy Party - PSDB, reveals what is most conservative and backward in Brazilian society: a class hatred, old and anachronistic, very similar to fascism.

No wonder the reactionary group that performed this action is the same bunch that has driven coup demonstrations in Fortaleza in order to stop the tenure of President Dilma Rousseff, disregarding the popular vote and breaking with democratic legality in the country.

These reactionaries used national symbols and call themselves patriots, but they favor the sale of our natural resources to foreign companies, as in the case of Petrobras. They say that they are against corruption but are assiduous defenders of the corporate finance of election campaigns and today deplore the decision of the Supreme Court.

We are convinced that the aggression suffered by comrade Stédile is not limited to an individual attack, or only the MST. This aggression can only be understood as part of a conservative offensive of the right in society that seeks to criminalize and intimidate all those fighting for a just and sovereign Brazil.

In this sense, we provide solidarity to our companion and are committed to close ranks in defense of democracy, social justice and popular participation in the nation's direction.

Fortaleza, September 23, 2015.


Centra Única dos Trabalhadores – CUT (United Worker’s Center)
Central dos Trabalhadores do Brasil – CTB (Brazil Worker’s Central)
União Nacional dos Estudantes – UNE (National Students Union)
União Brasileira dos Estudantes Secundaristas – UBES (Brazilian Union of Secondary Students)
Movimento dos Atingidos por Barragens – MAB (Movement Against the Dams)
Rede Nacional de Advogados Populares – RENAP (National Network of People’s Attorneys)
Rede Nacional de Médicas e Médicos Populares  (National Network of People’s Doctors)
Marcha Mundial das Mulheres – MMM (World March of Woment)
União Brasileira das Mulheres – UBM (Brazilian Union of Women)
Movimento Organizado dos Trabalhadores Urbanos – MOTU  (Organized Movment of Urban                                                                                                              Workers)
Levante Popular da Juventude (Popular Uprising of Youth)
Movimento dos Trabalhadores Sem Teto – MTST (Homeless Workers Movement)
União da Juventude Socialista – UJS (Union of Socialist Youth)
Rua – Juventude Anticapitalista (Anti-capitalist Street Youth)
Coletivo O Estopim (Fuse Collective)
Movimento Kizomba (Kizomba Movment)
Partido Comunista do Brasil – PdoB (Brazilian Communist Party)
Partido dos Trabalhadores – PT (Workers Party)
Partido Socialismo e Liberdade (Party of Socialism and Freedom)
Consulta Popular (Popular Referendum)
Centro Brasileiro de Solidariedade aos Povos em Luta pela Paz – CEBRAPAZ (Brazil Center of Solidarity with People Struggling for Peace)
Fora do Eixo (Out Axiz)
Mídia Ninja (Ninja Media)
Movimento Democracia Participativa (Movement for Democratic Participation)
Agência de Informações Frei Tito para América Latina – ADITAL (Frei Tito Information Agency for Latin America)
Sindicato APEOC (APEOC Union)
Sindicato dos Metalúrgicos do Estado do Ceará – SINDMETAL (Metalurgical Untion of Ceara)
Sindicato dos Trabalhadores do Serviço Público Federal do Ceará – SINTSEF-CE (Federal Public Service Workers Union of Ceara)
Sindicato dos Empregados no Comércio de Fortaleza Diretório Central dos Estudantes – UECE (Union of Employees in the Fortaleza Central Directory of Students)
Centro de Estudos da Mídia Alternativa Barão de Itararé (Barão de Itararé Alternative Media Studies Center)
Justiça Global (Global Justice)
Terra Sem Males (Land Without Evil)
Associação Gaúcha de Proteção ao Ambiente Natural – AGAPAN (Gaucho Association for the Protection of the Environment)
Coletivo Trexter - Trabalhadores(as) da Extensão Rural da Emater/RS (Trexter Collective – Workers of the Rural Extensin of Ematur)
Diretório Central dos Estudantes – UNIFOR (Central Directorate of Students)
Deputado Federal (Federal Congressperson) José Guimarães
Deputado Estadual Elmano Freitas
Deputado Estadual Moisés Bráz
Deputada Estadual Rachel Marques
Deputado Estadual Renato Roseno
Deputada Federal Luizianne Lins (PT-CE)
Deputada Federal Ana Perugini (PT-SP)
Deputado Federal Wadih Damous (PT-RJ)
Deputado Federal Valmir Assunção (PT-BA)
Deputado Federal João Daniel (PT-SE)
Deputado Federal Pedro Uczai (PT-SC)
Deputado Federal Padre João (PT-MG)
Deputado Federal Odorico Monteiro (PT-CE)
Deputado Estadual Tadeu Veneri  (PT-PR)
Deputada Estadual Luciane Carminatti (PT-SC)
Vereador (Cit Counselor) João Alfredo
Vereador Jovanil
Vereador Ronivaldo Maia
Vereador Acrísio Sena
Vereador Leonardo Giordano
Renato Simões 
Gilney Viana