Oppression of MST and Social Movements

Valdir Released From Prison

José Valdir Misnerovicz (Valdir) was recently released from prison after being held for months on terrorism charges for leading occupations of land by the MST. Below is his letter of thanks to all of his supporters:


“Freedom, this word that feeds the human dream,   that no one can explain and no one can understand”

Cecilia Meirelles

The MST condemns massacre on Guarani Kaiowa lands in the state of Mato Grosso.

“The sugar cane, beef and soy of Mato Grosso are stained with the blood of the indigenous”, declares one passage of the statement.

Last Friday the MST released a statement vehemently condemning the massacre committed against the Guarani and Kaiowa community in the interior of South Mato Grosso in which 20 people suffered gunshot wounds and an indigenous man, Clodiodi Aquileu Rodrigues, was brutally murdered.
