Agrarian Reform

A Coup to Steal All Natural Resources

Interview with Joao Pedro Stedile, leader of the MST, on the political crisis in Brazil.

After the penultimate vote of the Senate on the impeachment against President Dilma Rousseff, we interviewed Joao Pedro Stedile, historical leader of the Landless Workers’ Movement (MST), who is at the frontline of the fight against “putschist leader Michel Temer”.

Agrarian Reform Farmers Market Provides Healthy Foods for the Population of Aracaju

Cassava, corn, potato, banana, coconut, pumpkin, vegetables, manufactured goods, and even a variety of crafts.

These are just some of the options that the population of Aracaju can find in another edition of the Farmers Market of Agrarian Reform of Sergipe, which takes place from September 8 to 11, 2015 in Fausto Cardoso Square.

With 7 large estates occupied in two weeks, landless increase the struggle for land across the country

On Tuesday about 500 families set up the Princesa do Vale encampment in the Vale do Jequitinhonha, in the northeast of Minas Gerais.

7 Occupations

Beyond the immediate settlement of more than six thousand families camped in 42 estates in the region, the landless denounced poor conditions in the settlements, which have spent almost six years without technical assistance.

In the fight against homophobia, Landless Youth call for an end of violence

March against homophobiaTo Beth Rocha, transvestite and acampada*, building mechanisms to ensure an egalitarian society imbues respect for different identities.

The men wore dresses, lipstick, false eyelashes, heels. The women, boots, loose shirts, belts, baseball style caps. The proposal was to bring forth a reflection on the construction of gender identity and respect for different sexual orientations.

Without prejudice or preconceptions, landless youth held Agitation and Propaganda against homophobia on Tuesday (March 17) during the state march of MST in Bahia.

The action mobilized some 100 young people from different regions of the state, and proposed gives visibility to LGBT landless and fight against any kind of violence. Also, the march reaffirmed that the struggle for People’s Agrarian Reform should be everyone’s struggle.
