MST Celebrates International Women’s Day with Struggle
Beginning March 6 and continuing through March 8, International Women’s Day, women of the MST and other rural and urban organizations celebrated the day through struggle. Demonstrations were held throughout the country with a special focus on defeating the proposed “reforms” of by the coup government of Michel Temer Brazil’s social security system, which include raising the age of retirement and not taking into account the labor of workers in the countryside and domestic workers. In addition to protesting the proposed changes to social security, the protests targeted agri-business and the demand for agrarian reform.
Since its inception, the MST has fought for gender equality both within the movement and in Brazilian society. The requirement to have women in leadership positions through all levels of the movement, often in the face of entrenched male privilege, has distinguished the MST from many social movements throughout the world. However, this stand on gender has reaped many benefits as the movement now benefits from the leadership of strong and principled women.
The news sections of the Friends of the MST website has translated articles on the March 8th activities. These articles can be accessed here: